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Writer's pictureJennifer Irwin

My Favorite Nervous System Regulation Tactics

A Crucial Piece of My Own Healing Shared

* Please note I am not a psychologist. Please consult with a psychologist to address the cause of nervous system dysregulation.

These tools are what I use when I feel myself slipping into disassociation or freeze. They are also helpful when I can't shake a mood that seems to be plaguing me, or I get angry or overwhelmed.

My hope is that these may help someone else. They may not work for you, but I hope they do!

  • Listening to Bilateral Sounds or music with headphones on

  • Listening to an empowering playlist and singing along out loud. One of my personal favorite songs for the ladies "I Am Woman", It's music and affirmations!

  • Tapping, especially the Eyebrow points (helpful for trauma and frustration) and the Under the Eye points (helpful for nervousness, anxiety, fear)

  • An ice pack on the face to help calm the nervous system

  • Box Breathing (see blog post about breathing through anxiety)

  • Moving your body - through walking, or one of my favorites, turn the music up and dance around the kitchen

  • Play - enjoy play like you were a child again, laugh and take in the littlest things

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Breathing into the Ho'oponopono Prayer

  • Grounding - walking barefoot on the ground for a minimum of 15 minutes

This is not a complete list, but these have all worked successfully for me. Wishing you all the best!

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